Wednesday, August 6, 2008

F.A.M.E. "HARD+WORK" downloaded 20K times in 24hrs?!?!?

What's good folk? As those of you know, who are on my mailing list for events, and pertinent info related to my company GDMworldwide, yesterday was the release of F.A.M.E. sophomore album "Hard+Work" well this morning I woke up to several messages relating that the album which was provided for FREE has been downloaded 20,000 times within 24 hours! Currently I'm waiting for detailed response to make sure how accurate this is, but from the spike in web volume I was sent.... it looks like "Viral Music Marketing" is paying off for the up and coming artist!

Many independent bloggers, and websites have done stories from around the globe, mixed with his digital graphic design fans, this is taking off like no other independent buzz!

For those not on the mailing list, or the blogs, or myspace, or under a rock below is the letter mailed yesterday to approximately 5,000 people, and fwd an unknown number of times......

Hello All,

Today is the official release of the sophomore album from NJ recording
artist F.A.M.E. "Hard+Work! This album is the culmination of many efforts
to put forth GOOD, QUALITY, UPLIFTING music. This brother put together an
album Free of negative promotion, misogyny, or use of the N-word. We are
hoping you will listen, and pass it forward.

No longer can we express disdain for the quality of music supplied, if we
don't promote those that put out what we ask for. Please support these

The album is available FREE for download here :

You can check out FAME's site:

Check the reviews........,m.e

""Hard+Work" is the rapper's second LP and plays like a feel-good
A Tribe Called Quest era-classic while at the same time not sounding
dated. The first track, "If I Ever Leave", sets the tone for what turns
out to be a satisfying ride though Fame's lyrical representation
of"I'm-doing-my-best-to-survive-in-a crooked world" mindset."

"Up and coming New Jersey City artist F.A.M.E is someone you should
make yourself familiar with. His second Album dropping for free 8.05.08 entitled
"Hard Work" proves that F.A.M.E works harder than most and very is unique. He
uses his graphic and musical talent together to create a different composition.
Every track has an image that accompanies ever track. It is a free download from check it out and leave comment on what
you think."

Thank you for your time, and have a great day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on that!!! Much success to F.A.M.E.