Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Terminology Hot Song

I've heard this song before didn't know they made a video..... GOOD music backed by DJ Premier.... check this Kid out!


Can Someone Shut Jeezy up about Politics....PLEASE?!?!

I can't do it anymore..... I'm sorry to the other HipHop Fans who think that I'm against FREE SPEECH however this guy is killing me!

Please sir, do not attempt to be super political while still being all about the negative stereotypes of the hood. There is not a balance sir, you cannot talk about selling coke and cooking it up, then have an introspective political view, basically threatening people about Obama. If you want to be part of a change, why not go positive in your raps and say that Obama inspired you to help the kids? Anything along that line.

These are the lyrics to your song Mr. Snowman, do you honestly think linking your career to Obama is helpful to him, or are you now trying to get some personal fame off of the guy?

"Ain't shit shakin but the leaves in the trees
Between me and you I got a deal on the ki's
Six in one run, laid a mil on the trees
Hit the broad every night,
keep a plug on the white
Mr. 17-5, you niggaz know the name
Why y'all playin y'all know it ain't a game
This is me motherfucker, why would I ever change
120 carats, you niggaz see the chain" -Jeezy

This is a clip from a BLOG on that really points it out...

NEGRO PLEASE: Young Jeezy is Barack Obama’s New Apprentice?

[Editor’s Note: “Blogger’s Note” has been taken over by
Ron Mexico until further notice.]
We interrupt your regularly scheduled coke rap for this special bulletin.

“I got a new mentor. Barack Obama’s my mentor. Y’all believe that, man. For the first time we ready for change, homie. We gon’ back it. Any you people out there listening, it’s a hands-off policy on Barack Obama, man. Y’all touch him, we touchin’ everything. That’s my word to God. That’s on the hood. Every hood. I’m telling you right now. Y’all touch him, you know what it is… And for the first time in life period–I don’t know if you know about black men, but black men are sincere. They mean what they say. Especially when they have power. And he has power, man. He means what he—I think this the change. This the change we need. Everybody. The whole world. We need somebody that’s just for us. And that’s our country, man. Barack Obama, hats off to you, homie. I’m not on no nothing else. Congratulations. Win, lose or draw, we with you, boy.” –Young Jeezy, Trill TV interview

Completely sandwiched by the usual cocaine propaganda, Young Jeezy gives us a Black History/Vote or Drought moment. Let’s see what Merriam-Webster has to say about such foolhardy Negrospeak.

According to the big book we finally read in prison, a mentor is “a trusted counselor or guide.” There’s no way Faux News and the federales aren’t already just waiting to catch these two partnering up in a game of spades so the onslaught can begin. Barack Obama is not allowed to utter the name “Young Jeezy” in public. I don’t think Barack the Vote is even allowed to use the word “snow” untl after he’s at his podium sworn in.

With that said, I do wonder if John McCain will face the same scrutiny Obama has for bringing Daddy Yankee and his “vile,” misogynistic, highly-inappropriate-for-a-presidential-candidate baggage to the big show. Rappers mention Barack and we have a horror show on our hands. Jawn McCain does “Gasolinaadlibs for The Big Boss of the Booty Cartel and I still hear crickets....... Continue article here

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Shout out to My boys Gym Class Heroes..... I see you Trav! The Dream really is the Radio Killer!

They also have an upcoming tour with the Roots

October 2008
3 - Baltimore, MD - Rams Head Live!
4 - Norfolk, VA - The Norva
5 - N. Myrtle Beach, SC - House of Blues
6 - Atlanta, GA - The Tabernacle
7 - Orlando, FL - House of Blues
8 - Miami, FL - The Fillmore at Jackie Gleason
10 - Houston, TX - Meridian (The Roots do not appear on this date)
11 - Dallas, TX - The Palladium Ballroom
12 - Austin, TX - The Backyard
14 - Phoenix, AZ - The Marquee
19 - Las Vegas, NV - House of Blues
21 - Denver, CO - The Fillmore Auditorium
23 - Milwaukee, WI - Eagles Ballroom
24 - Chicago, IL - Congress Theatre
25 - Detroit, MI - The Fillmore Detroit
26 - Toronto, Ontario - Sound Academy
28 - New York, NY - Roseland Ballroom
30 - Worcester, MA - The Palladium Downstairs
31 - Asbury Park, NJ - Asbury Park Convention Hall

November 2008
1 - Albany, NY - Washington Avenue Armory

Purchase Tickets

Going Back To Cali!

Hey Good People,

Just wanted to give a heads up that later on this week I will be heading to L.A. with my promotional partner KennyFahim. With that said I'm sure I will be back with plenty of stories and opening up a picture section to the site.

Make sure to check out the youtube clips on the right, as well as the associated blogs listed, as these folk will definitely keep you up to date on whats going on all around.....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Cuz We Said So Radio Returns TONIGHT!

What's up good People just got some great news of the return of one of our Favorite Radio Shows starting back up today!

Cuz We Said So [Radio Show] w/ Holley Monelle and D. Clarke Mondays 9PM-12AM; 718.951.4444. WBCR1090AM. [Live Stream]

"We're Baaaaaaaack!
*does the butterfly and the pepper seed*Sooooo - I stalked our Program Director a bit and convinced him to let us start back up Monday. As it goes, we're on the 25th, off Sep 1st, then back Sep 8th.I'm excited, you should be tooooo!AND - today is my last official day at work so no more 9-5'n *cabbage patch*Tune-in Monday. New music, new material, more surprises.Have a great weekend,H.Oh"

Vietnam vets stirring up a McCain mutiny

Monday, August 25th 2008, 4:00 AM
John McCain

Sen. John McCain commands support at many VFW halls across the country. But a squadron of Vietnam vets and POW/MIA advocates is strafing him with decidedly unfriendly fire.
Two-tour Green Beret Ted Sampley, who helped "Swift Boat" Democrat John Kerry in the 2004 presidential race, is now gunning for the GOP White House hopeful.

The organizer of Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain claims the Purple Heart-winning former POW has "never admitted the full extent to which he cooperated with his captors."
Sampley also charges that, in the 1990s, the "unstable" McCain, whom he calls "the Manchurian Candidate," ignored "credible evidence" that American POWs were still alive in Southeast Asia.
"He wanted to normalize relations with Vietnam," Sampley tells us. "He took away the only leverage we had for getting those soldiers back. Why? He was paying back the Vietnamese for keeping quiet about him."

McCain has called Sampley a profiteering "enemy of the truth" and "one of the most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter." (Sampley was jailed after beating up McCain aide Mark Salter outside McCain's Senate office in 1992.)

Though he's no fan of Barack Obama, Sampley says Fox News producers haven't invited him on to bash McCain the way he bashed Kerry. But Sampley is finding other comrades. Former POW Phillip Butler asserts that McCain "allows the media to make him out to be the hero POW, which he knows is absolutely not true."

Former GOP Congressmen Bill Hendon and John LeBoutillier, who both served on the House Task Force on POW/MIA Affairs, write on Sampley's U.S. Veteran Dispatch that McCain "abandoned American POWs."

"He's totally dishonest," says LeBoutillier, who contends that, to win over the religious right, McCain "cribbed" his recent memory of a kindly guard leaving "a cross in the dirt" from Jeremiah Denton, another POW-turned-senator who told a similar story.
Other POWs have backed up McCain's story. And the senator, who refused Vietnamese offers of early prison release, has called the "evidence" of living POWs a "cruel hoax on their families."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack Cafferty Asks the Tough Questions?!?!?!

Commentary: Is McCain another George W. Bush?

Story Highlights
-Jack Cafferty: McCain gives shallow answers at Saddleback forum

-Why isn't McCain grappling with the complex moral issues we face? Cafferty asks

-Cafferty: We can't afford another president like George W. Bush

-World is too complex to entrust to someone who lacks intellectual curiosity, he says

By Jack CaffertyCNN

Editor's Note: Jack Cafferty is the author of the best-seller "It's Getting Ugly Out There: The Frauds, Bunglers, Liars, and Losers Who Are Hurting America." He provides commentary on CNN's "The Situation Room" daily from 4 p.m.-7 p.m. You can also visit Jack's Cafferty File blog.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Russia invades Georgia and President Bush goes on vacation. Our president has spent one-third of his entire two terms in office either at Camp David, Maryland, or at Crawford, Texas, on vacation.

His time away from the Oval Office included the month leading up to 9/11, when there were signs Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America, and the time Hurricane Katrina destroyed the city of New Orleans.

Sen. John McCain takes weekends off and limits his campaign events to one a day. He made an exception for the religious forum on Saturday at Saddleback Church in Southern California. I think he made a big mistake. When he was invited last spring to attend a discussion of the role of faith in his life with Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, at Messiah College in Pennsylvania, McCain didn't bother to show up. Now I know why.

It occurs to me that John McCain is as intellectually shallow as our current president. When asked what his Christian faith means to him, his answer was a one-liner. "It means I'm saved and forgiven." Great scholars have wrestled with the meaning of faith for centuries. McCain then retold a story we've all heard a hundred times about a guard in Vietnam drawing a cross in the sand.

Asked about his greatest moral failure, he cited his first marriage, which ended in divorce. While saying it was his greatest moral failing, he offered nothing in the way of explanation. Why not?
Throughout the evening, McCain chose to recite portions of his stump speech as answers to the questions he was being asked. Why? He has lived 71 years. Surely he has some thoughts on what it all means that go beyond canned answers culled from the same speech he delivers every day.

He was asked "if evil exists." His response was to repeat for the umpteenth time that Osama bin Laden is a bad man and he will pursue him to "the gates of hell." That was it.

He was asked to define rich. After trying to dodge the question -- his wife is worth a reported $100 million -- he finally said he thought an income of $5 million was rich.

One after another, McCain's answers were shallow, simplistic, and trite. He showed the same intellectual curiosity that George Bush has -- virtually none.

Where are John McCain's writings exploring the vexing moral issues of our time? Where are his position papers setting forth his careful consideration of foreign policy, the welfare state, education, America's moral responsibility in the world, etc., etc., etc.?

John McCain graduated 894th in a class of 899 at the Naval Academy at Annapolis.
His father and grandfather were four star admirals in the Navy. Some have suggested that might have played a role in McCain being admitted. His academic record was awful. And it shows over and over again whenever McCain is called upon to think on his feet.

He no longer allows reporters unfettered access to him aboard the "Straight Talk Express" for a reason. He simply makes too many mistakes. Unless he's reciting talking points or reading from notes or a TelePrompTer, John McCain is lost. He can drop bon mots at a bowling alley or diner -- short glib responses that get a chuckle, but beyond that McCain gets in over his head very quickly.

I am sick and tired of the president of the United States embarrassing me. The world we live in is too complex to entrust it to someone else whose idea of intellectual curiosity and grasp of foreign policy issues is to tell us he can look into Vladimir Putin's eyes and see into his soul.
George Bush's record as a student, military man, businessman and leader of the free world is one of constant failure. And the part that troubles me most is he seems content with himself.
He will leave office with the country $10 trillion in debt, fighting two wars, our international reputation in shambles, our government cloaked in secrecy and suspicion that his entire presidency has been a litany of broken laws and promises, our citizens' faith in our own country ripped to shreds. Yet Bush goes bumbling along, grinning and spewing moronic one-liners, as though nobody understands what a colossal failure he has been.

I fear to the depth of my being that John McCain is just like him.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writer.

Funny Jigga Video


Monday, August 18, 2008

Mccain's Cribs

John McCain is soaring to new heights of hypocrisy on his wife's personal jet. He flies around the country bent on duping the public into believing he's "one of them," a regular guy who can empathize with Americans facing an overwhelming economic crush. What's more, he disparages those who oppose his ridiculous policy proposals as "elitist." But who's the real elitist?

The REAL McCain is a multimillionaire who owns ten luxurious homes. The REAL McCain backs President Bush's tax cuts for big corporations. The REAL McCain empathizes only with the interests of our nation's wealthy minority, not its money-strapped majority. But far too many are buying into McCain's deceit because the corporate press won't present the whole picture, so we created this video to educate the public about the REAL McCain.

Together, you have been a force in making sure The REAL McCain videos have been seen by nearly 6.5 million people. But as Frank Rich noted in his NY Times column yesterday, 40% of Americans hear too little about McCain from the mainstream media, meaning "the public doesn't know who on earth John McCain is." That's why it's crucial you ensure this video is seen by as many as possible, and that we use each and every tool at our disposal to get the word out. Send this on to five friends and family members, and tell them to send it to five people they know. Get it to your local news outlets and blogs and networking sites like Digg. Raise hell about McCain's economic duplicity!

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney summed it up best when he said McCain "simply doesn't understand the challenges America's working families are facing because he isn't remotely affected by them." It's up to us to tell people who McCain really is, a personal jet-setting elitist more concerned with corporate lobbyists than hard-working Americans.

Bonus McBushed!

The Game and Lil Wayne

A little Monday Hiphop..... I'm really fealing this beat!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tony Starks meets.... Tony Starks?

This bit here is for my boy F.A.M.E. that is a big Ghostface fan... Here is the deleted scene featuring him in Iron Man the movie.....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mccain Out- FOXed?!?!

So the other night on FOX news Hannity goes in on John Edwards to the extent that he is not trustworthy for office due to him being unfaithful to his wife and family.....

Well my new boy Alan Colmes comes back with well John Mccain cheated so why is he fit to be trusted???

Mccain's infidelity has been wide known....

"When McCain – his hair turned prematurely white and his body reduced to little more than a skeleton – was released in March 1973, he told reporters he was overjoyed to see Carol again.
But friends say privately he was ‘appalled’ by the change in her appearance. At first, though, he was kind, assuring her: ‘I don’t look so good myself. It’s fine.’

He bought her a bungalow near the sea in Florida and another former PoW helped him to build a railing so she could pull herself over the dunes to the water.

‘I thought, of course, we would live happily ever after,’ says Carol. But as a war hero, McCain was moving in ever-more elevated circles.

Through Ross Perot, he met Ronald Reagan, then Governor of California. A sympathetic Nancy Reagan took Carol under her wing.

But already the McCains’ marriage had begun to fray. ‘John started carousing and running around with women,’ said Robert Timberg.

McCain has acknowledged that he had girlfriends during this time, without going into details. Some friends blame his dissatisfaction with Carol, but others give some credence to her theory of a mid-life crisis."


"Ted Sampley, who fought with US Special Forces in Vietnam and is now a leading campaigner for veterans’ rights, said: ‘I have been following John McCain’s career for nearly 20 years. I know him personally. There is something wrong with this guy and let me tell you what it is – deceit.

‘When he came home and saw that Carol was not the beauty he left behind, he started running around on her almost right away. Everybody around him knew it.

‘Eventually he met Cindy and she was young and beautiful and very wealthy. At that point McCain just dumped Carol for something he thought was better.

‘This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. He has no character. He is a fake. If there was any character in that first marriage, it all belonged to Carol.’

One old friend of the McCains said: ‘Carol always insists she is not bitter, but I think that’s a defence mechanism. She also feels deeply in his debt because in return for her agreement to a divorce, he promised to pay for her medical care for the rest of her life.’ "

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Timbo Jockin Jay-Z?!?!

The Boy Hov is back at it again..... Blueprint 3 style, here's the official track that was performed at the Kanye concert in NYC.......

Now if you check in the archives you will see that I posted a video of Timbo saying that he would be doing Jay's whole next album....


But according to MTV:

"The Rapper says he wants the best product and puts his feelings aside...

Jay-Z has spoken more about his upcoming album Blueprint 3 after giving fans a taster at Kanye West’s Glow in the Dark Tour.

Beat master Timbaland had suggested that he was going to be the executive producer of the album, a rumour that Jay cleared up after recently appearing on the Shade 45 Morning Show.

“That was a little premature (on his part),” Jay explained. “It’s business. I gotta make the best product; it doesn’t depend on anyone’s feelings, we’re in there to do a job. We gotta put our feelings aside.”

Jigga refused to be drawn into specifics regarding the new album,
“I have three records, but I don’t want to talk about them yet (since) they may not make the album,” Jay disclosed. “But there’s one joint that’s undeniable. You’ll know it when you hear it.”

Jockin Jay-Z - Jay-Z

Monday, August 11, 2008


So less then a week since the Release of NJ Recording artist F.A.M.E. "Hard+Work" I get a leak that the boy is back to work putting it down lyrically on some new tracks!

The world is taking notice as he was recently plugged by Jermain Dupree's TAG records "Spotlight Section"

You can also catch him Rocking the mic with Brooklyn Radio's own Holley Monelle Check the Podcast and the Blog Cuz We Said So!

Jersey City Stand up!?!

Joe Buddens killing Prodigy on this track......

Coke Anyone??

What's up good people?

So this weekend first off RIP Bernie Mack and Issac Hayes!

I went to a Big BBQ on saturday and got into a discussion about Pharrell, and caught an angry "FAN" that tried to get mad because I stated he talks about coke all the time..... and this "FAN" a female argued that I didnt listen.......... REALLY..C'MON!

Hopefully she reads this today....

And if you didnt get it while dancing to this song...... the girls are in the line for COKE in the bathroom not pissing.....LOL

Enjoy the day people!

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Stewart interviews George Bush

Just a few laughs for the weekend.....

See more Will Ferrell videos at Funny or Die

See more Adam "Ghost Panther" McKay videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

F.A.M.E. "HARD+WORK" downloaded 20K times in 24hrs?!?!?

What's good folk? As those of you know, who are on my mailing list for events, and pertinent info related to my company GDMworldwide, yesterday was the release of F.A.M.E. sophomore album "Hard+Work" well this morning I woke up to several messages relating that the album which was provided for FREE has been downloaded 20,000 times within 24 hours! Currently I'm waiting for detailed response to make sure how accurate this is, but from the spike in web volume I was sent.... it looks like "Viral Music Marketing" is paying off for the up and coming artist!

Many independent bloggers, and websites have done stories from around the globe, mixed with his digital graphic design fans, this is taking off like no other independent buzz!

For those not on the mailing list, or the blogs, or myspace, or under a rock below is the letter mailed yesterday to approximately 5,000 people, and fwd an unknown number of times......

Hello All,

Today is the official release of the sophomore album from NJ recording
artist F.A.M.E. "Hard+Work! This album is the culmination of many efforts
to put forth GOOD, QUALITY, UPLIFTING music. This brother put together an
album Free of negative promotion, misogyny, or use of the N-word. We are
hoping you will listen, and pass it forward.

No longer can we express disdain for the quality of music supplied, if we
don't promote those that put out what we ask for. Please support these

The album is available FREE for download here :

You can check out FAME's site:

Check the reviews........,m.e

""Hard+Work" is the rapper's second LP and plays like a feel-good
A Tribe Called Quest era-classic while at the same time not sounding
dated. The first track, "If I Ever Leave", sets the tone for what turns
out to be a satisfying ride though Fame's lyrical representation
of"I'm-doing-my-best-to-survive-in-a crooked world" mindset."

"Up and coming New Jersey City artist F.A.M.E is someone you should
make yourself familiar with. His second Album dropping for free 8.05.08 entitled
"Hard Work" proves that F.A.M.E works harder than most and very is unique. He
uses his graphic and musical talent together to create a different composition.
Every track has an image that accompanies ever track. It is a free download from check it out and leave comment on what
you think."

Thank you for your time, and have a great day!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

WOW JOHN MCCAIN . . . Where is the Media?

If this video is true! WOW AMERICA!


Want to measure the progress of the presidential campaign? Look no further than the tire-pressure gauges handed out on John McCain's campaign plane Monday morning. Mark Salter, the Republican candidate's senior aide known for his gruffness, alerted the traveling press corps that the campaign would be distributing Barack Obama's energy proposal during the short flight. Once in the air, Mr. Salter gleefully handed out tire gauges labeled "Obama's Energy Plan."

The act is the latest in a string of stunts that signal the start of the electoral silly season. With the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics just days away and hordes of voters on vacation, the American public's attention span for politics is minimal at best.

To break through, the McCain campaign has resorted to some unusual push-the-envelope tactics. This week, it's the tire pressure gauges. Last week it was a pair of videos: a television ad titled "Celeb" that used shots of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton; and a Web clip that spliced footage of Sen. Obama's large rallies with images of Charlton Heston as Moses parting the Red Sea.

Well let's get back to the tire gauge...... How could OBAMA be so out of touch on this issue....... wait whats that??? According to Time magazine,8599,1829354,00.html?cnn=yes

How out of touch is Barack Obama? He's so out of touch that he suggested that if all Americans inflated their tires properly and took their cars for regular tune-ups, they could save as much oil as new offshore drilling would produce. Gleeful Republicans have made this their daily talking point; Rush Limbaugh is having a field day; and the Republican National Committee is sending tire gauges labeled "Barack Obama's Energy Plan" to Washington reporters.

But who's really out of touch? The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 bbl. per day by 2030. We use about 20 million bbl. per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points. In other words: Obama is right.

In fact, Obama's actual energy plan is much more than a tire gauge. But that's not what's so pernicious about the tire-gauge attacks. Politics ain't beanbag, and Obama has defended himself against worse smears. The real problem with the attacks on his tire-gauge plan is that efforts to improve conservation and efficiency happen to be the best approaches to dealing with the energy crisis — the cheapest, cleanest, quickest and easiest ways to ease our addiction to oil, reduce our pain at the pump and address global warming. It's a pretty simple concept: if our use of fossil fuels is increasing our reliance on Middle Eastern dictators while destroying the planet, maybe we ought to use less.

Now atleast no Republicans or Mccain supporters seem to believe this LEFT TIRE NONSENSE RIGHT...... oh wait....whats this...

"while the McCain team is busy amusing themselves, the fact is that the idea they’re attacking is supported by, among others, top McCain surrogate Joe Lieberman, conference call host Mike Rogers, Governors Charlie Crist and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Department of Energy, and NASCAR—all of whom have urged Americans to help save energy by minding tire pressure," says spokesman Hari Sevugan in an email.


Well in actuallity barely a week before Mccains tire gauge stunt NASCAR put out an article highlighting it.... titled:

"Tire maintenance key to safety, fuel economy"

Tires influence the braking, steering, comfort, handling, fuel efficiency and driving safety of every vehicle, but are often ignored or misunderstood by many consumers. Tires pound over potholes, careen off curbs and screech to a halt, but the prevailing public sentiment is, "They're round, black and have tread. Beyond that, who cares?"
With gas prices now hovering around $3, smart drivers care. Savvy consumers are seeking to increase fuel economy and the life of their tires by paying more attention to those rubber objects that are attached to their vehicle.

Now lets take a closer look at why Mccain may be so terrible with this energy crisis as the oil companies rake it RECORD PROFITS while us consumers lose out......

John McCain received prolonged applause from the oil executives who gathered June 17 in Houston to hear the Republican presidential candidate's speech on energy policy.
Now it appears that McCain received something else: Lots of campaign contributions.
John McCain's contributions from energy industry interests happened to spike right around his Houston speech (and a fundraising tour of Texas).
Is it a coincidence, the result of aggressive Texas outreach -- or is it a show of gratitude? Let us know what you think.

June 1-15.............$219,550
June 16-17...........$303,400
June 18-30...........$313,950
You do the Math!!!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A joke is a joke?? . . . right?

So I ran across this article about Mccain Racist Jokes, me not being surprised but thought I would share.


John McCain, a member of the House of Representatives in the mid-1980s, often held court at a table near the bar at Bullfeathers, a popular Capitol Hill watering hole, telling jokes and matching hangers-on drink by drink.

As a Capitol Hill chief of staff, I often drank at Bullfeathers and was invited to join the throng at McCain's table one evening. A few minutes listening to the racism, bigotry and homophobia of the Arizona Congressman told me all I needed to know.

McCain loved to tell jokes about lesbians, blacks, Hispanics and the Vietnamese community that occupied a large section of Arlington County, Virginia, just south of the District of Columbia.

Of course, McCain didn't use polite language in the jokes: He used names like "fags" or "queers" or "dykes" or "niggers" or "spics" or "wetbacks" or "gooks."

A typical McCain joke (overheard at Bullfeathers):

Two dykes are talking at a bar and one leaves. As she walks toward the door, the other watches her leave and says out loud: "God, I've love to eat her out."

Two men are standing near by and one turns to the other and says: "I'd like to do the same. Guess that makes me a dyke."

Or another (also overheard at Bullfeathers):

Question: Why does Mexican beer have two "X's" on the label?

Answer: Because wetbacks always need a co-signer.

(McCain has a documented history of lesbian jokes. He's also come under fire for other jokes about rape.)


Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?

Because Janet Reno is her father.

Another example:

Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’

When he ran for the Senate, I attended a gathering of GOP operatives at the National Republican Senatorial Committee where McCain outlined his campaign strategy:

I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win. If I have to fuck my opponent to win I'll do it. If I have to destroy my opponent I won't give it a second thought.

McCain's so-called sense of humor has no limits when it comes to simple human decency. Shortly after former President Ronald Reagan announced he had Alzheimer's Disease, McCain told this joke at a GOP Fundraiser:

Do you know the best thing about having Alzheimer's?

You get to hide your own Easter eggs.

Even his wife is not immune. Writes Cliff Schecter in his book, The Real John McCain:

Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.

This is the man the Republican Party thinks should be the next President of the United States. What else should we expect from a party that promotes racism, homophobia and discrimination against anyone with a different skin color, sexual orientation or ethnic origin?

So we shouldn't be surprised that McCain's campaign strategy seeks to raise racial fear about Barack Obama, the first African-American with a serious shot at the Presidency of the United States.

John McCain is a racist: Always has been, always will be. A retired Naval officer who says he served with McCain in the Navy says he treated black sailors with disrespect and scorn. McCain refuses to release his detailed military record and some sources say that record includes incidents that include issues with black sailors.

Such attitudes are part of his family history. As noted by a black poster in Talking Points Memo:

I can't love America the same way John McCain does. When his daddy was Admiral, my daddy was mopping floors. And when his granddaddy was Admiral, all the Blacks in the entire Navy were mopping floors. But they still volunteered and went to war, even when their commanders didn't think they were brave enough to fight. So who loves America more? The cook on the ship who couldn't vote in 15 states, or the Admiral who dined on the meals he slaved over?

McCain's collection of off-color jokes are riddled with racist words and sentiments. Advisors have toned down the raunchy rhetoric of his early years in Congress but close aides say his attitudes have not changed.

McCain opposed making the birthday of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King a national holiday. During his 2000 campaign for President, he told reporters on his "Straight Talk Express: "I hated the gooks (North Vietnamese). I will hate them as long as I live."

Katie Hong of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, who reported the remark, wrote:

It is offensive because by using a racial epithet that has historically been used to demean all Asians to describe his captors, McCain failed to make a distinction between his torturers and an entire racial group.

It is alarming because a major candidate for president publicly used a racial epithet, refused to apologize for doing so and remains a legitimate contender.

For his 2000 campaign for President, McCain hired Richard Quinn, founder and editor in chief of Southern Heritage Magazine, to serve as his spokesman in South Carolina.

Notes Salon.Com:

Quinn's articles have called Nelson Mandela a "terrorist" and King a man "whose role in history was to lead his people into a perpetual dependence on the welfare state, a terrible bondage of body and soul." In another piece, Quinn said of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, "What better way to reject politics as usual than to elect a maverick like David Duke?" though he did condemn Duke's bigotry.

Irwin A. Tank, author of Gook: John McCain's Racism, notes a long and sordid history of racism from the presumptive GOP nominee, including:

  • McCain's use of the anti-Asian slur "gook" publicly for 27 years before dropping the use for his current Presidential run;
  • McCain's endorsement of George Wallace Jr., a frequent speaker at white supremacist events;
  • His vote against establishing a holiday for Martin Luther King's birthday and then another vote to rescind the holiday.
  • In answering a question about divorced fathers and child support, McCain called the children "tar babies."

The list goes on and on.

What else do you expect from a racist, bigot and homophobe?

(Updated on Aug. 2 & 3, 2008, to include additional material and links)