Last week, House Republican Leader John Boehner objected to House passage of a bill that would expand hate crime laws and make it a federal crime to assault people on the basis of their sexual orientation.
"All violent crimes should be prosecuted vigorously, no matter what the circumstance," he said. "The Democrats' 'thought crimes' legislation, however, places a higher value on some lives than others. Republicans believe that all lives are created equal, and should be defended with equal vigilance."
"He does not support adding sexual orientation to the list of protected classes," Smith continued.
Boehner's position, then, appears to be grounded in the notion that immutable characteristics should be protected under hate crimes laws. And while religion is an immutable characteristic, his office suggests, sexual orientation is not.
Northeastern University professor Jack Levin, who co-authored the first book written about hate crimes, told Hotsheet that "to use immutability as a criterion doesn't make any sense at all."
"Especially if he supports the current stand," Levin continued. "Religion is clearly not ascribed. It's not built into the organism. People can change it at any time and people do."
"It sounds to me as though the criticism is focused on the addition of gays and lesbians to the list of protected categories at the federal level," he said. "That seems to be the problem."
So let me get this straight(Pun Intended) Boehner, you CHOOSE to be gay but you Can't CHOOSE a religion...what about people that flipflop on religion like most Americans through their life..... Right Wing FAIL!
With all of the things going on in the World can't we just stop persecuting homosexuality, and take the correct stance on Nature vs Nurture......which is WE DON'T KNOW and stop pushing our own agenda's on it..... Allow Marriage, Allow Rights, and leave it at that, isn't it 2009?
1 comment:
I'm guessing you're making this GOP politico out to be the white devil because he is against the seperation & labeling of people via "hate crime" legislation. I am against all of this "hate crime" definitions because it's racist. How can it be that if a white guy/gal gets into a fight or commits a crime against a black guy/gal, it's a race crime, but not the other way around? Equality is supposed to be equal through & through & not just used selectively. All crimes committed against any person, place, or thing should be treated & prosecuted equally along the lines of severity, instead of dividing things along the lines of sex (male/female), race, color, religion, or sexual preference. The PC brigade was the brainstorm behind the "hate crime" legislation & I find it silly & assinine as ALL crimes are hateful! While the liberals rant for unity, they're constantly dividing by labeling people. Keep rooting for the people who want to turn this country into North Cuba & when you can't say, write, or even think of someone or something that doesn't fall into the liberal ideology & can't blame it on George W. Bush, what will you do then?
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