Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Day's completed..... 63% grade

I have to say I'm extremely happy that the first 100 days are done, hopefully now people can do a little less scrutinizing of every move. There are still alot of things up in the air, but with so many open issues I think a 63% approval rating is pretty good..... Economy, Mexico Borders, Pandemic, Missiles being launched, Israel & Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan Nuclear issues, Iran, Cuba bans, housing markets.....etc.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – As Barack Obama marks his 100th day in office, an average of
the most recent national polls indicates that more than six in ten Americans
approve of the job Obama's doing as president.

According to a CNN Poll
of Polls compiled early Wednesday, 63 percent say they approve of how Obama's
handling his duties as president. Twenty nine percent disapprove. The 63 percent
figure is down three points from CNN's previous Poll of Polls, which was
compiled Sunday.

The president's approval rating stood at 64 percent in
a CNN poll of polls in January, just after his inauguration

"The number
of Americans who think Obama has the right personal qualities to be president
has gone up since the campaign last fall," says CNN Polling Director Keating
Holland. "That wasn't true for George W. Bush eight years ago, and it may be one
reason why Obama's approval rating is still in the 60s."

So how does
Obama compare to his predecessors in the White House around the first 100 days

George W. Bush stood at 62 percent in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup
poll in April 2001, Bill Clinton was at 55 percent in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup
poll in April 1993, George H.W. Bush stood at 58 percent in a Gallup poll from
April 1989, and Ronald Reagan was at 67 percent in a Gallup poll taken in April

"The hundred-day mark tends to fall during a period when Americans
are still evaluating a new president. The danger period for most presidents
comes later in their first year in office," Holland says. "Bill Clinton, for
example, still had good marks after his first hundred days, but his approval
rating had tanked by June of 1993. Ronald Reagan's approval rating stayed over
50 percent until November of his first year in office, but once it slipped below
that mark, it stayed under 50 percent for two years. So Obama's current rating
certainly does not indicate that he is out of the woods yet."

The most
recent edition of the CNN Poll of Polls is an average of seven national surveys
taken over the past week: CNN/Opinion Research Corporation (April 23-26),
ABC/Washington Post (April 21-24), Fox/Opinion Dynamics (April 22-23), CBS/New
York Times (April 22-26), Marist (April 21-23), Quinnipiac (April 21-27) and the
Gallup tracking poll (April 25-27).

The Poll of Polls does not have a
sampling error.

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