Barack Obama’s accomplishment is not just his alone, it is an accomplishment for race relations in America, it is a testament to the many leaders and heroes who sacrificed their lives so that men and women would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
On Monday January 20, 2009 in Washington D.C President Elect Barack Obama will be sworn into office; it is the mission of Make It Happen Inc. to not only encourage but also transport individuals to experience this historic event. In order to subsidize the costs for this endeavor we have designed several t-shirts that support Barack Obama, his symbolism of change and evolution. Proceeds from each t-shirt purchased will ensure that someone will have the opportunity to be a part of history, and be inspired by what this day truly symbolizes. If you do not wish to purchase a t-shirt, we welcome monetary donations in any increment, which will be applied towards the costs of transportation for students and community members of Philadelphia to Washington D.C. on this historic day.
Make It Happen Inc. would like to thank you in advance for your support.
See you in D.C!
“This moment in history epitomizes the American Dream and proves with hard work and dedication, one can achieve their dreams.”
Cedric D. Shine
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