Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Mother’s Requiem

Just wanted to share another Poem from my man NightDay! Please check out this talented man's website and support!

A Mother’s Requiem

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us
But have you really forgiven me for trespassing against you

At that time in my life I felt alone
Scared that no one would be there
So I ended your chance
To enhance mine

Now I regret
My only opportunity
To give you more than I had
To teach you more than I learned

I sit and think about what could have been
Mother to child
Rocking to sleep on my chest
A kiss of comfort from the beat of my heart

Thoughts have never left my soul
I still cry at the image
Suicidal thoughts ravage my mind
A lifetime away from a new beginning
Our father who art in heaven
Heal my soul because I am torn
No one can truly understand this pain
A pain that continues to leave its mark on the inside

Each one fueling my demise

Wanting to feel that life inside me again
Each one fueling my stuttering downfall

Flash back of memories and nightmares
Going to sleep while my child exits my body
Persistent thoughts of the procedure
All on what would have been your day

I ask for your forgiveness
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
Forever and ever

Photo Taken by Steven Lewis, Nightday Photography

Poem Written by Steven Lewis, The Poet Night Day

Model--Imani Hafiz

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